Innovation and Knowledge-Based Sectors

Environmental protection
Nowadays the environmental protection law determines the decisions of the economy in a growing spectrum. In case of green field investments an environmental impact survey is to be prepared; in case of numerous products a certain product fee has to be paid; special rules apply for the treatment of waste, noise protection etc. Our law firm disposes of considerable experience in these questions and if there is a need for environmental protection expert, our cooperating partners are at our client’s disposal.

Registration of food and pharmaceutical products
We are at our client’s entire disposal from the acquisition of the patent to the marketing permission procedure. We dispose of notable experience in this area, since we assisted in establishing the legal background of the marketing of food-supplements and pharmaceutical products numerous times.

Protection of intellectual property and copyright
Our office provides for legal services in connection with trademark, patent and design protection both in the area of their announcement and the legal protection in case of their misuse. We have remarkable experience also in the area of copyright, such as software, literary works and compositions.
We have furthermore drafted numerous licence contracts regarding intellectual property products falling within the scope of either copyright or industrial property right issues, which is the precondition of their lawful use.

E-commerce and new technologies
The legal treatment of internet contents needs a complex view, because special knowledge such as data protection, competition law and copyright is needed at the same time.
Our office can provide legal advice in all regard of this branch of law.